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Genetic algorithm in a sentence

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Sentence count:181Posted:2019-12-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: algorithmnew algorithmalgorithmicdistributed algorithmpattern matching algorithmarithmeticalarithmeticallygenetical
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61 The experimental result shows that the improved genetic algorithm not only solves the"premature"problem of classic genetic algorithm, but also avoids the blind search of classic genetic algorithm.
62 It is preliminarily tested and verified thereby that genetic algorithm is an effective method for estimating the parameters of the saccade oculomotor system.
63 Firstly, We present a genetic algorithm for the incidence coloring on graphs and Steiner tree problem.
64 Based on the in-depth analysis of genetic algorithm and simplex algorithm and with the combination of the two, the paper proposes the simplex immune hybrid algorithm.
65 To optimize FGFJSP, an individual optimization and colony diversity genetic algorithm (IOCDGA) is presented to accelerate the convergence speed and to avoid the earliness.
66 The crossover operation and mutation operation of decimal code genetic algorithm and its application in the optimal problem of nonlinear function are discussed in detail.
67 According to specific randomicity, ergodicity and regularity of chaos movement and complete searching characteristic of genetic algorithm, chaos-genetic hybrid algorithm is developed.
68 The parallel restricted genetic algorithm based on shared memory is discussed.
69 In this paper, based on the analysis of the genetic algorithm on binary coding, a preliminary discussion is made on the genetic algorithm of natural number coding.
70 A heuristic method combined genetic algorithm and parameter linear programming is proposed to the FCLSP.
71 This paper discusses multiple objective parameter optimization under a certain constraint condition through genetic algorithm.
72 Genetic Algorithm simulates natural evolutionary processes, though retaining a population of candidate solution to search multi - direction.
73 An optimization method based on genetic algorithm for Ball Mill Pulverizer System's operation was proposed.
74 To search all optimal solutions(global minimum), this paper brings forward a bubbling and selecting the best genetic algorithm.
75 Experimental results show that this circuit status difference based genetic algorithm can achieve satisfied leakage power reduction, and runtime is reasonable.
76 The adaptive updating of the weight represents the evolution of agent's behavior, which is realized by the evolution of forecast rules with Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Generation Function (GF).
77 This paper proposes an adaptive weight genetic algorithm to optimize the swim-out torpedo tube design, which is nonlinear and multi-objective optimization problem.
78 This method utilizes genetic algorithm to solve the problem of parametric optimization a nonlinear control system.
79 Genetic algorithm searches global optimum solution easily, but its local search optimization ability is poor and premature convergence and random main can easily take place.
80 A genetic algorithm(GA) assisted beamforming algorithm is applied to a 2-dimensional circular antenna array, and its performance of pattern nulling is studied.
81 Based on the Codes of Technique of Door-type Steel Support Structure for Light Houses, in this paper, the genetic algorithm method was applied to the optimum design of H-shaped purlin.
82 In the Genetic Algorithm, penalty function is often used to deal with constrains.
83 Finally, a relations of slope stability factor of safety with the slope of the parameters was discussed by using the genetic algorithm optimization model which is mentioned above.
84 The optimization model of parameter design for control chart was constructed to monitor the quality of production process, and it was solved by genetic algorithm.
85 Then the KM multiple set operation expression is optimized based on the improved hybrid genetic algorithm, and the procedure of the KM's automatic construction is also presented.
86 A genetic algorithm is used to solve this stochastic programming model.
87 Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a typical NP—Complete problem. Genetic Algorithm (GA) isa global optimal searching algorithm based on the biological evolutionism.
88 Combined with the gradient search,[] a hybrid genetic algorithm is formed to overcome the local minimum of the gradient search and the slowness of convergence rate of simple genetic algorithms.
89 Genetic algorithm is applied to solve distillation separation sequence synthesis problems which are characteristics of combination explosion.
90 Traditional genetic algorithm is a multi-point search and cross-operation technology, effectively used in the test case generation.
More similar words: algorithmnew algorithmalgorithmicdistributed algorithmpattern matching algorithmarithmeticalarithmeticallygeneticalgeneticallyphylogeneticallyfreneticallyalgorismarithmeticgeneticarithmetic unitarithmetic meangeneticsarithmetic logiclogarithmicallygeneticistbiogeneticgenetic mapepigeneticexogeneticarithmetic operationcytogeneticgenetic codepolygeneticepigeneticsautogenetic
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